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Saturday, September 13, 2008

Court opens way for Zuma presidency and At least 10 killed in LA commuter train wreck

A supporter of Jacob Zuma outside the Pietermaritzburg High Court, South Africa, on Friday.

A high court judge here on Friday ruled that the government had mishandled the prosecution of Jacob Zuma, the leader of the governing party, setting aside the charges in a corruption case that has gripped this nation's attention for years and clearing the way — at least temporarily — for Zuma to become South Africa's next president.

While Judge Chris Nicholson's decision was based on procedural failings, not a determination of Zuma's guilt or innocence, his two-hour opinion, transmitted over loudspeakers to a crowd of thousands of Zuma supporters outside the courthouse, also chastised the government of President Thabo Mbeki for a prosecution that showed signs of political meddling from high places.

Rather acidly, the judge said it was "most unfortunate" that the government had rekindled its case against Zuma last December within two weeks of the accused man's defeating Mbeki for the party leadership of the ruling African National Congress, suggesting a political motive behind the prosecution.

The long-running Zuma case has rendered several nightmare scenarios for this young democracy, where the ANC's dominance all but assures its candidate the presidency.

Among them: Would violence erupt if a criminal trial halted Zuma's presidential ambitions? Another: Would the rule of law be cynically swept aside by the ANC if Zuma's election preceded the matter's judicial resolution? Another: Would investors shy away from a country whose government was in paralysis over alleged criminality.

Indeed, though Friday's ruling somewhat defuses the uncertainty over South Africa's political future, it does nothing to remove the hovering bad odor of allegations that Zuma and others had taken bribes related to the government's purchase of $30 billion in arms during the late 1990s.

"Only a commission of inquiry can properly rid our land of this cancer that is devouring the body politic and the reputation for integrity built so assiduously after the fall of apartheid," said Judge Nicholson.

The judge emphasized that his ruling determined nothing about Zuma's involvement in corruption, only that he was entitled to give his side of the story to government investigators before the prosecution had been revived.

That fine point was lost on most of the jubilant crowd, many of them brought here aboard rented ANC busses and bedecked with Zuma jackets and t-shirts that shielded them against the chill and drizzle.

"We all knew he was innocent, and if the government took him to trial, we were going to wage war against the judges," said Musa Nene, 22, one of the celebrants, using threatening language that has of late become common coin.

In his ruling, the judge also referred to "dark mutterings emanating" from Zuma that "if he goes down" in the arms scandal, "others will follow.

"Like a blinded Samson he threatens to make sure the temple collapses with him," the judge wrote. "The impression created is that" Zuma "has knowledge he will disclose if he is faced with conviction and sentence."

But those barbs did little to dampen Zuma's exuberant proclamations of victory. Dressed in a dark pinstriped suit, he broke into a Zulu war song as he greeted the crowd after leaving the courthouse. "It is a victory for the judiciary; it is a victory for our democracy; it is a victory for our justice system," he exclaimed.

He allowed that the triumph might be short-lived. "Not that I'm saying it's all over now," he said parenthetically.

Indeed, the National Prosecuting Authority could again resurrect the case. Many who presume Zuma guilty will undoubtedly insist on it.

"We are still no closer to knowing whether Zuma is innocent or guilty of the corruption charges brought against him," Helen Zille, leader of the opposition Democratic Alliance, said.

But the political fallout for further pursuing the case could be extreme. Zuma's supporters have claimed that the prosecution is not only politically vindictive but selectively aimed at their champion. In recent weeks, the boldest among them have said they are willing to kill and die for Zuma. Unveiled threats were made against the judiciary.

Parliament is already pushing through legislation to scrap the prosecuting authority's elite investigating unit, the Scorpions, in response to ANC anger over what many of its members regard as the unit's persecution of Zuma.

Tlali Tlali, a spokesman for the prosecuting authority, said after Friday's ruling, "We'll have to go back to the office and study the decision of the court today and consider the options available to us."

President Mbeki's office, stinging from the judge's rebuke, issued its own a brief statement.
At least 10 killed in LA commuter train wreck

Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa says at least 10 people have been killed in the collision of a Metrolink commuter train and a freight train in the San Fernando Valley.

The mayor says the death toll from the Friday afternoon wreck could reach as high as 15. Los Angeles police Lt. John Romero says it may reach as high as 20.

The number of people reported killed in the collision has been rising steadily in the three hours since the 4:32 p.m. collision as firefighters continue to pore over the wreckage.

As many as 40 people have been reported injured.

THIS IS A BREAKING NEWS UPDATE. Check back soon for further information. AP's earlier story is below.

LOS ANGELES (AP) - A Metrolink spokeswoman says seven people have been killed in the collision of a commuter train and a freight train in the San Fernando Valley area of Los Angeles.

Spokeswoman Denise Tyrell confirmed the latest death toll from the Friday afternoon disaster as firefighters continue to work to free victims from the mangled wreckage.

As many as 40 people have been reported injured.

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